

Maybe you have a strong and solid brand but you are holding a torch for adding new services or moving in a different direction. Perhaps you want to figure out a pricing or promotional strategy, or you want to think together to ideate a marketing plan or creative campaign and need an experienced, strategic guide. Most often, the Ignite Session is for mapping your customer journey and identifying signature touchpoints that can increase your customer lifetime value or change the trajectory of your business.

Ignite Logo

Our process gets everything out of your head and in the open where we can burn off what you don’t need and get to what’s important. It’s where we break down the ingredients of your special sauce so we can identify what’s spicy and sweet, and then help you tell the world about it so they are ready to engage and buy.

The Ignite Session is a stand-alone strategy service offered a la carte to our clients. It can be utilized in conjunction with our other services or by itself but is not included in our other packages.

Not sure if Ignite is the service you need? Schedule a quick call to see.


“To me, this Brand-in-a-Day event was the perfect example of the advice “don’t try this at home” because I realized within the first hour, I didn’t know what I didn’t know about branding! This day was exactly what I needed to focus, tease out even more of my thoughts, benefit from experts’ thoughts, and tie it all together to actually leave with the results my business was starving for: an overall brand image, a logo, a tagline, and lots of brand “pieces” to incorporate into various marketing strategies later. Thank you for a day so well spent!”

“Working with Jeffri-Lynn and the Blaze team during Brand-in-a-Day, I was caught by surprise. I felt pretty sure I’d leave the experience with some tangible working tools that would provide structure for my business brand but I was blown away by the level of personalized attention dedicated to my needs and challenges. I left the workshop – yes with a structure – but also with depth – brand pillars that I can lean on with confidence…and even better… we had fun in the process! Moving forward, I have everything I need to craft my marketing for the clients I want and to bring my unique impact to the community.”

Melia Dunn

“Jeffri-Lynn and her team are bursting with energy and passion for this work. She facilitated our Brand-in-a-Day’s workshop in a way that allowed for creativity, collaboration, inspiration–and got results. Her enthusiasm for every business owner in the room was apparent and I left with more than just beautiful branding. She helped me clarify my business goals, vision, messaging, produced a brand that authentically represents who I am and what I offer.”

Sarah Grone

Invest in the future of your business.

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9830 S 51st Street, Suite B-101
Phoenix, AZ 85044

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