Full Brand
Dr Karthik Ramanan
Dr. K did what many entrepreneurs do when starting out. He picked his favorite colors, had a logo designed on Fiverr, spent a ton of time and money on education, attended webinars and workshops, and enrolled in courses to educate himself on the best way to attract business.
And what happened? Nothing.
After two years of struggle, Dr. K was introduced to Blaze, and we set his brand on fire. Now he is Blaze’s ambassador, telling everyone who will listen that the research, the detailed 3-tier target market profiles, and even the color he argued against in the beginning has led to a brand that attracts the people he does his best work with and for.
He is impacting lives, and that is generating the income to sustain and grow his business so he can help people stop chasing joy and begin living in wonder. Blaze is proud to be a part of that.
2020 to Present
Creative Campaigns
Strategic Marketing
Tactical Marketing Execution
Brand Architecture
Brand Voice
Visual Identity
Brand + Marketing Strategy
Integrated Creative Campaigns
Communication + Content Marketing
Design: Digital + Print
Email Marketing + Lead Nurture
Powerpoint Design
Social Media Management
Workbook Design
First, Dr. K sought to conquer deep-seated emotional unrest using a myriad of diverse coping mechanisms. Next, he became a doctor, ready to help others using the tools he discovered in his own life and studies at the crossroads of compassion and science. See beyond your current life’s burnout, exhaustion, and frustration and look towards a future of optimum selfhood. Who do you want to be?