A-B-C-D-E-F-G…H-I-J-K-LMNOP…Q-R-S, T-U-V, W-X, Y and Z
Blaze has our own ABC’s, Just for Branding, you will see…
A is for Awareness to get yourself known. This is not something you do on your own. It’s also for Attraction, and Awaken, and Act. All these are needed to develop your pack.
B is for Behavior—for your guests and your staff. It’s how you treat people that makes them all laugh! A happy team acts right all along the way and then your customers all shout, “Hooray!”
C is for the Colors that represent you. Each one in your palette showcases your mood. The feelings evoked should show who you are and attract the attention of folks near and far.
D is for Design—your approach and your way. It shows people more than you could ever say. Clean and precise or messy and loud, showcase your brand with a design that makes you proud.
E is for Essence, that overarching feel. It’s difficult to put your finger on; it’s almost not real. It measures your emotion and what makes you tick, and when your clients feel it too, something just clicks.
F is for the Foundation you stand upon. It’s why you began this journey you’re on. You use it most as your launching pad and it’s also the basis that makes you so effing rad.
G is for Genius, that thing you do best. You probably developed it for years with no rest. It’s what makes you special, unique, in demand. Make sure you show people so they know that you can!
H is for Humanity that sets us apart. When we do things that matter, it shows we have heart. The more you do for others, in business and in life, the more we build community and eradicate strife.
I is for Identification. It’s just who you are. People will find you if you just stand apart. Your words, your talent, your feel and your look… From greeting to goodbye, this is your hook.
J is for Juxtaposition, it’s harmonizing. Compare and contrast to drive your brand to sing. Opposites sometimes attract and the same can be true if you show all the facets that make you, You!
K is for the Knowledge that you alone possess. It provides topics for you to address. Share it and shout it and give it away so all can benefit from the vast array.
L is for Language, how we describe and express. It’s the words that we use for our brand’s success. It’s yes words and no words…the things that we say that show what our brand stands for from day to day.
M is for Mission—that thing that you do. It’s what you do for business. There’s nothing to prove. It just keeps you focused and keeps you aligned with the thing you deliver or what you provide.
N is for the Name that states who you are. Whether your name or another, it resonates far. Make sure it makes sense for what it’s about, make it easy for people to figure it out.
O is for Open, be vulnerable and real. There’s nothing that resonates like a truth that you feel. Sincerity, authenticity, being genuine. This is the kind of thing that invites people in.
P is for Promise, the one that you meet with every person your brand greets. It’s an expectation, one you exceed. You always deliver, no matter the need.
Q is for Quirks, setting you apart. They may be endearing or odd, a la carte. They are the things that differentiate you, as well as the things that make your clients grow, too!
R is for Reputation you develop and support. You use it to advance relationships and rapport. Remember it’s not who you are that is quite the big thing. It’s who they THINK you are that has the real ring.
S is for Style, your mood and your look. It’s not something you can just pull out of a book. It resonates only when it depicts the real you. It falls flat when it’s fake and made up all of woo.
T is for Talent, this is you and your team. It can take you farther than it ever would seem. Part of full circle brand, clients are drawn to this shit. It has impact when they experience it.
U is for Uniquities that make you special and cool. It’s also specialization that helps you rule. When you present your uniqueness to the world, Unfettered, unlimited growth is unfurled.
V is for Voice, your jargon, your tone. The pacing and presentation you call your own. Your audience can and will respond if you are you each day and beyond.
W is for Winsome in character and wit. Your personality, your charm can draw people to it. When you are YOU as no one else can be, your tribe will find you. You will see.
X is for eXtra. Go beyond and above. Show them you care. Show them your love. Not just doing more but giving your all. If you go more and do more, you will not fall!
Y is for You, the best you, you are. If you master that, you can’t help but go far. There is only one you and this part is true. Do it your way. You do YOU, Boo.
Z is for Zany, I know this well. Embrace yourself and time will tell. If you do the work that evokes a “wow,” your tribe will find you, this I vow!
Blaze on,
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