

The Blaze Free Photo & Image Directory

The Blaze Free Photo & Image Directory

From Instagram to In-Person Appearances, your imagery says a lot about the work you do and whom you do it for. Your brand depends on cohesion…not only in your messaging but also in the way your brand is depicted in all of your communications and promotions. Your...

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#12 – Our First Brand Badass

#12 – Our First Brand Badass

Ryan is a Business Solutions Manager and Team Lead for Ledgent Technology. He provides support to local Phoenix businesses and jobseekers, working to fulfill their employment needs and connect them with the best talent available. Half business support and half...

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#11 – Imagery & Photography

#11 – Imagery & Photography

Your image depends on cohesion…not only in your messaging but also in the way your brand is depicted in all of your communications and promotions. From Instagram to In-Person Appearances, your imagery says a lot about the work you do and who you do it for. It...

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Your Target Market isn’t an Avatar

Your Target Market isn’t an Avatar

We've heard them called avatars. We read about personas. We talk ad nauseum about audiences, ideal clients, and targets. We know we need to get specific, narrow and deep (even though it's frightening) and yet, when it comes to B2B marketing, too many of us leave out...

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Blaze Experts’ Branding Alphabet

Blaze Experts’ Branding Alphabet

A-B-C-D-E-F-G...H-I-J-K-LMNOP...Q-R-S, T-U-V, W-X, Y and Z Blaze has our own ABC's, Just for Branding, you will see... A is for Awareness to get yourself known. This is not something you do on your own. It's also for Attraction, and Awaken, and Act. All these are...

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#10 – 360º Brand Engagement

#10 – 360º Brand Engagement

360º brand goes beyond your external image and reputation. It looks at the internal impact of the brand, too. From greeting to goodbye, your customer's journey is determined by infusion of your brand throughout every interaction. External Impact Formula: How every...

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#9 – Design Identity: Choices: Colors & Fonts

#9 – Design Identity: Choices: Colors & Fonts

Usage of color and fonts can communicate your brand without words. Be thoughtful and intentional with their use rather than just "picking your favorites. "Top Color Usage in Marketing and Brand Identity: Blue means Business: Trustworthy, Dependable, Responsible,...

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Do you have Four I’s?

Do you have Four I’s?

Remember the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland? (That's me playing him in my high school play.) The caterpillar was always asking, "Who are YOU?" And even when the question was answered, he would ask the same question over and over again to get you to really...

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#8 – Logo Logic

#8 – Logo Logic

Your freakin' logo is probably the most visible and recognizable symbol of your brand, so we spent some serious time dreaming up the design for ours. Whether you are thinking about a DIY logo or you plan to direct a professional to design one with you (or for you),...

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#7 – Paint the Picture. Then Tell the Story.

#7 – Paint the Picture. Then Tell the Story.

Even your words should paint a picture in your dream customer's mind's eye. What story is your brand telling? Topics Discussed in this Episode: The Picture:A cohesive look that appeals to your dream client and evokes the emotion you want your customer to experience....

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#6 – When is it Time for a Brand Refresh?

#6 – When is it Time for a Brand Refresh?

Brand can be like last year's outfit. Try it on and see if it fits. Some styles are timeless while others are trendy. When looking at your brand inside and out—from its design identity to its message—has it evolved with you? Here's a look at the elements and how they...

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#5 – Are You a Machine?

#5 – Are You a Machine?

When you first embark on building your business, you don't stop until you drop. Driven by passion, you resemble the energizer bunny…going and going and going. Is burnout knocking on your door?  Do you know when to say when? How can you recharge and rediscover that...

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